Friday 20 April 2012



Who was Jack The Ripper? This is a good question when asked once. When asked a second time it becomes a dumb question. Truth is nobody knows. Also known as The Whitechapel Murdere or Leather Apron the killer is neither. A publicity stunt created by the media. His true name is unheard of. After 119 years many continue to second guess all the misleading clues.
During a 71 day period beginning on August 31, 1888 until November 09, 1888 a total of five unsolved murders occurred within the Whitechapel section of London under night conditions. The victims were all female. The murderer was never caught, furthermore he was never identified. He wasn't a doctor, a prince or a painter. And of course he wasn't a woman though it was suggested. The image actually first stirred curiosity within the press. After all it was the press who created The Ripper but the bloody results were solely his.

Victim 1: Mary Ann Nichols (Polly) found dead on the outside gate dropped area of a footpath at 3:40 am Friday August 31, 1888 on Buck's Row(now 2 Durward Street) Whitechapel. Polly lived at 18 Thrawl Street(Vallance Street) Spitalfields.

Victim 2: Annie Chapman (Dark Annie) found dead 13 days later at 6 am Saturday September 8, 1888 in the backyard of 29 Hanbury Street(now Truman Brewery) Spitalfields. Last seen alive at 5:30 am. Rings torn from fingers. Resided at 30 Dorset Street(Commercial Street/Brick Lane).

Victim 3: Elizabeth Stride (Long Liz) found dead at 1 am(perhaps killed between 12:46 am-12:56 am) Sunday September 30, 1888 behind a yard at 40 Berner Street(now Henriques Street) in St. George in the East(Dutfield's Yard). Site occupied by former London County Council School now known as A Harry Gosling Primary School. Long Liz lived at 32 Flower & Dean Street(Lolesworth Close).

Victim 4: Catherine Eddowes (Kate Kelly) was found dead less than an hour's time from Long Liz at 1:45 am Sunday September 30, 1888 at Mitre Square at Aldgate. She resided at 55 Flower & Dean Street(Lolesworth Close).

Victim 5: Mary Kelly (Jane/Jeanette) was found dead 39 days later at 4 am Friday November 9, 1888 at her home located at 13 Miller's Court(demolished north side 1929) renamed Duval Street in 1904. Previously resided at 26 Dorset Street with Joe Barnett for 18 months.

All the victims lived within a 3 block radius of each other to include The Ten Bells bar yet only one was murdered within this radius and that was the last victim. Victim 1 was murdered north east (farthest) outside the radius. I believed the killer came and lived within this area. Victim 2 was found directly west from Victim 1 closer but still outside the radius. Victims 3 & 4 were a double homicide, both murdered the same evening within an hour of each other. Victim 3 was murdered directly south of Victim #1 outside the radius. This murder was known to be interrupted by a passerby. Victim 4 was then murdered directly west from Victim 3 completely outside the radius and the only one falling outside the sector into a second police jurisdiction. Now this is what confirms the pattern-Heading directly north east exactly to the location of Victim 1 a part of a bloodstained apron which was cut away from Victim 4's neck was located in a hallway at 108-19 Goulston Street(now White's Row) in the Wentworth Model Dwellings. Victim #4 had been at a solicitation location outside St. Botolph's Church. Tracking begins from where the body was found. Since there was no 3rd homicide that evening we begin at Mitre Square heading north east towards Goulston Street and continuing at that path is Victim 1's location. The Killer was going home. The double homicide made it possible to trace the killer by the location of the missing bloodstained apron.
Following the examination of all four corpses it was determined that the bodies had been mutilated but not completely when compared to Victim 5. The killer had been distracted each time.
To simplify things the final Victim 5 was murdered within the radius. She also lived alone and had her own private room unlike the others. This made it convenient for the killer in that he could take his time unlike all the previous murders which occurred in an alley, sidewalk, backyard, and public square. Based on the photographs and witnesses her body was completely opened up.
In the case history of Jeffrey Dahmer stated that the reason he cut open his victims was that he became sexual aroused by seeing the internal organs. I strongly believe that the killer according to the physical condition of all his victims had this compulsive urge to view the internal organs of his victims. He was never able to fully accomplish this with the first four victims due to being disturbed by pedestrians and night watchmen until he finally met Mary Kelly Victim 5 who had her own private room where The killer was able to take his time and dissect her completely thus satisfying his curiosity. The Ripper was never heard from again.


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